Help us develop an age friendly community

In partnership with North Yorkshire Council, we are developing a network for older people living in North Yorkshire to provide an independent representative voice. We want to help encourage an age friendly community across the county where people can live healthy and active lives.

Together with our network members, we will talk to local service providers, share information, raise the issues that really matter and work to make change happen.

To find out more about this project, watch the short animation above. We also have an information leaflet that can be downloaded here.

Find out what we mean by an age friendly community here.

Have your say – join the network today

If you are an older person, a family member caring for an older relative or an organisation working with and representing older people across North Yorkshire, we’re inviting you to join our network and help shape future support services and raise awareness.

Benefits of joining the network as an individual

As a network member, you’ll have the opportunity to share your views on issues that really matter to you, and make suggestions on how things could be improved. This could have a real impact, as the network is regularly consulted by key decision makers.

Being part of the network will also help you to keep up to date with important issues and policy developments in the following key areas:

  • housing
  • transport
  • health and community care
  • open spaces
  • connecting with your communities.

As a network member you can:

  • share what matters to you most
  • suggest improvements
  • keep up to date with the latest information.

To get involved, please complete this form. You can also download this printable version or, if you would like a paper copy sent to you, please call 01904 704177 or email

Benefits of joining the network as an organisation

If you are an organisation working with and representing older people living in North Yorkshire, we would love you to join our network.

As a network member, you will have access to information, resources, training, funding opportunities and support. The network aims to provide a credible platform for people to discuss local needs and services, and contribute to the development of new initiatives and events within our communities.

Being part of the network will also help your organisation to keep up to date with important issues and policy developments in the following key areas:

  • housing
  • transport
  • health and community care
  • open spaces
  • connecting with communities.

As a network member you can:

  • share what matters most to you and your organisation
  • share best practice, new initiatives, events and news from your area
  • suggest improvements
  • keep up to date with the latest information.
Age Friendly Network survey results

We’ve collated and analysed the findings of our ‘Survey for people aged 50+’, which many of you filled in at the end of 2022. Your responses have helped us to identify the key issues that you felt were important to you. The findings will help us collectively develop the direction of the Age Friendly Network as an independent representative voice to partners and local services. We’ve developed a visual representation of the headline findings and some suggestions for solutions to raise awareness and work together to bring about lasting change.