2020 2021  2022
Total No. of Doctors 1  14,823   15,423  16,009
  ►  Public 9,532    9,844  10,146
  ►  Non-Public 4,489
 4,601   4,682
  ►  Not in Active Practice 802 978 1,181
Doctor to Population Ratio 1:384 1:369 1:354
Doctor per 1,000 Population 2.6 2.7  2.8
Breakdown by:      
          No. of Specialists 6,088  6,431 6,699
        ►  Public 4,052 4,267  4,474
        ►  Non-Public 1,718  1,776  1,800
        ►  Not in Active Practice  318  388  425
          No. of Non-Specialists 8,735  8,992 9,310
        ►  Public 5,480  5,577 5,672
        ►  Non-Public 2,771 2,825 2,882
        ►  Not in Active Practice 484 590 756
Total No. of Nurses/Midwives  42,173 43,005  43,772 
  ►  Public 26,914  27,339  27,512
  ►  Non-Public 11,416  11,299  11,489
  ►  Not in Active Practice 3,843 4,367 4,771
Nurse to Population Ratio 1:135 1:132 1:129
Nurse per 1,000 Population 7.4  7.6 7.8
Breakdown by:      
          No. of Registered Nurses  34,654  34,948  36,995 
        ►  Public  22,483  23,324   23,720 
        ►  Non-Public  9,291 9,297 9,606
        ►  Not in Active Practice  2,880 3,327 3,669
          No. of Enrolled Nurses 7,442 6,989 6,715
        ►  Public 4,395 3,984  3,767
        ►  Non-Public 2,095 1,975  1,857 
        ►  Not in Active Practice 952 1,030 1,091
          No. of Registered Midwives 77 68  62
        ►  Public 36 31 25
        ►  Non-Public 30 27 26
        ►  Not in Active Practice 11 10 11
Total No. of Advanced Practice Nurses 2   264 330 383
  ►  Public  247  311 369
  ►  Non-Public   14 16 12
  ►  Not in Active Practice 3 3 2
Total No. of Dentists 3  2,482 2,484  2,605
  ►  Public  540 503 542
  ►  Non-Public 1,859 1,891 1,965
  ►  Not in Active Practice  83  90  98
Dentist to Population Ratio 1:2,291  1:2,195   1:2,164 
Dentist per 1,000 Population  0.4 0.5  0.5
Breakdown by:      
          Total No. of Dental Specialists 379 395 415
        ►  Public 138 132 144
        ►  Non-Public 239 255  262
        ►  Not in Active Practice 2 8 9
          Total No. of General Dental Practitioners 2,103 2,089 2,190
        ►  Public 402 371  398
        ►  Non-Public 1,620 1,636 1,703
        ►  Not in Active Practice 81 82  89
Total No. of Oral Health Therapists 4 441 445 448
  ►  Public 220 216 217
  ►  Non-Public 155 159 168
  ►  Not in Active Practice 66 70  63
Total No. of Pharmacists 3,435 3,634 3,759
  ►  Public 1,710 1,758 1,789
  ►  Non-Public 1,343 1,464 1,521
  ►  Not in Active Practice  382 412  449
Pharmacist to Population Ratio 1:1,655 1:1,565 1:1,446
Pharmacist per 1,000 Population 0.6 0.6  0.7
Total No. of Optometrists and Opticians 5 2,653 2,689 2,739
  ►  Public  219 234  253
  ►  Non-Public 2,347 2,351 2,389
  ►  Not in Active Practice 87 104 97
Optometrist and Optician to Population Ratio 1:2,216 1:2,200   1:2,134
Optometrist and Optician per 1,000 Population 0.5 0.5 0.5 
Total No. of Occupational Therapists 6 1,304 1,381 1,466
  ►  Public  564 615  617
  ►  Non-Public 569 608  666
  ►  Not in Active Practice 171 158  183
Total No. of Physiotherapists 6 2,129 2,260 2,433
  ►  Public  1,016 1,085  1,141
  ►  Non-Public 876 960  1,058
  ►  Not in Active Practice 237 215  234
Total No. of Speech Therapists 6 727 778 791
  ►  Public  263 279 267
  ►  Non-Public 363 403 428
  ►  Not in Active Practice 101 96 96
Total No. of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Physicians 7 3,017 3,069  3,179
  ►  Active Practice 2,200 2,236  2,116
  ►  Not in Active Practice 817 833  1,063
Total No. of Acupuncturists 8 254 250 257
  ►  Active Practice 117 115 84
  ►  Not in Active Practice 137 135 173

1 Includes doctors registered under Temporary Registration for service provision from Year 2010 onwards.            

2Advanced Practice Nurses(APN) are subset of Registered Nurses.

3Refers to Division I and II dentists.

4 Registration of Oral Health Therapists started in 2008.

5 Optometrists and Opticians were officially registered with the enactment of Optometrists and Opticians Act in 2008.

Registration of Allied Health professionals (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists) started in 2013. 

7 Registration of TCM physicians started in 2002.

8 Registration of Acupuncturists started in 2001. Figures refer to those registered only as Acupuncturists.
